Oil and rosemary, the miraculous preparation
Alternatively, a second preparation is available that delivers great results. If you don’t have fresh rosemary, you can also use dried rosemary, which has the same properties as freshly picked green rosemary.
Then take a spoonful of dried rosemary or a few sprigs of fresh rosemary and put them in a large glass jar with at least 250 ml. Then pour olive oil over it and close the lid. It is left wrapped in a cloth in a dark environment for at least 10 days.

After that, the oil can be used to solve any problem of different nature, subject to dedication and perseverance.
Here’s how to take advantage of the benefits and properties of rosemary by making a delicious tea
Rosemary works because it is rich in antioxidants. For this reason, it is 100% recommended to use it for any type of ailment or problem. Not only applied to the skin, but also in other forms it can be more than satisfactory.
For example, rosemary alone can be used to make a very good tea that is pleasant to drink both hot and cold, relaxing and delicious. To prepare the tea, follow these steps.
You take a branch and put it in a pot. In this case too, you can use a dry or a fresh branch. Water is added, 300 ml of water is enough, the mixture is brought to a boil over low heat and then left to boil for 10 minutes.
Once the time is up, the tea is filtered into a glass, perhaps with a strainer, and the tea is ready to be enjoyed on a cold winter afternoon, simply to warm up but also to eliminate any kind of disturbance or annoyance. little account than a slight headache.
You can drink it both hot and cold without changing its properties in the slightest. To get great results, you need to consume rosemary tea at least twice a day for 3 months. After the required time, you will immediately notice the multiple benefits with exceptional results.