Ground coffee, don’t throw it away: leave it in the fridge overnight | they save you


Don’t throw away coffee grounds, they can be reused and help you eliminate a big problem. Here are our recommendations.

We Italians love coffee like few other things. We make numerous cups of it every day, both with the moka pot and the espresso machines. Consequently  , there are many leftover filtered coffees that we throw away every day  , and without knowing it we throw away something that can be very useful.

In fact, coffee grounds  can be reused  in a particular way that can help us a lot.  Just put them in the fridge  and everything will change.

Ground coffee in the refrigerator: the benefits

It happens periodically when you open the refrigerator door and smell an  unpleasant odor  . This is a very normal consequence in an appliance that contains such a variety of foods. It happens that our  food spoils,  or simply the  strong odors  of some ingredients such as onion can condition all the air inside the refrigerator.

Coffee grains

If you encounter this problem, the first thing is to look for the  source of the bad smell  . As soon as you have found the cause, get rid of this spoiled food. Also proceed with a deep cleaning (which should also be done periodically for hygiene reasons) and then follow our little tips.

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