Happy are those who have this plant at home: they are very lucky without knowing it


Source of a number of benefits, certain plants are also known to bring luck, according to Feng Shui. This Chinese philosophy aims to create a harmonious interior in which positive energies circulate, providing calm and serenity. By integrating this plant into your home, you will benefit from positive vibes.

What is the lucky plant according to Feng-Shui?

Do you want to buy  a new  indoor plant? Discover this lucky plant. You can feel calm at home and it is also used to purify the air in the house. If you don’t have a green thumb, don’t worry! This lucky plant is hardy. If you can’t keep a plant alive, choose this one first.

  •  Mother-in-law’s tongue, a plant that attracts positive energy
mother-in-law's tongue

You didn’t know it, but mother-in-law’s tongue, also called Sansevieria trifasciata or snake plant, is  an indoor plant   endowed with positive energies, according to Feng Shui. Especially since this plant is very easy to maintain. Well don’t hesitate anymore! In addition to spreading positive waves, its resistant and long leaves absorb carbon dioxide to transform it into oxygen. Luckily for you, mother-in-law’s tongue is very easy to grow and is perfect for beginners! In addition to purifying the air in the house, this plant has many advantages, but you still have to take care of it! As you may have understood, sansevieria is a magical plant as long as you place it in the right place at home. Like Lucky Bamboo, the location of this plant is at the entrance of the house. Thus protect your home from negative flows and energies.

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