It is not about baking soda that we are going to write today, it is not the protagonist of this innovative method to take care of the washing machine thoroughly.
Of course, it remains one of the most essential ingredients in household cleaning. Sanitizer, degreaser, as well as vinegar, it combines to provide us with an ecological and economical mixture, very effective! We generally use it to clean the basket, the drawer, to eliminate bad odors in the kitchen, in the bathroom, to dissolve limescale and mold. In short, it’s a multi-use product, it’s true, but what a lot of effort!
Scrub, scrub, rinse, dry.
Salt is also very useful. It is also capable of cleaning commendably and not only that. Like baking soda, it absorbs moisture, frees us from annoying condensation and makes surfaces shine.
But we don’t even want to talk about him.
There is more and there is better! Thing? Let’s find out together!

Continued on next page