A sanitizing mixture, economical, ecological and very powerful to clean your entire house!


Do you know how to clean your house with algae soap and hydrogen peroxide? You won’t be able to do without it!

To create a powerful detergent, degrease and sanitize, all you need to do is get: hydrogen peroxide and mild soap.

The first ingredient is simple water with an extra oxygen atom: in short, instead of being simple H2O, it’s 2H2O. It is also called, scientifically, hydrogen peroxide and is sold in pharmacies and supermarkets with disinfectant indications. If it can eliminate bacteria from wounds, imagine what it can do in our homes! It has antifungal and anti-mold properties and well-known degreasing properties.

The second is easily available in large retailers. It comes in the form of a transparent yellow block. Ideal for washing clothes by hand and in the washing machine, it acts as an anti-mite for plants. It is natural and biodegradable because it is made from glycerin, coconut oil and water.

Both cost very little and from their combination we can obtain a truly effective cleaner.

Get a clean spray bottle. Dissolve a little mild soap in 500 milliliters of warm water, then add 20 drops of hydrogen peroxide. Mix well, then pour into the container. Now use this solution to clean any surface. It is delicate and at the same time effective in cleaning up and restoring shine to any room!