Make your sofa look like new in 5 minutes with the cover tip: no more stains


The sofa in a house is one of the fundamental elements of decoration. We spend a lot of time there, as a family, watching television or playing board games, or even relaxing. It is therefore not surprising that it gets dirty very quickly. This is why it is recommended to clean the sofa regularly.
Here is a tip that will allow you to clean your sofa without damaging it and without damaging the color.

How to clean a sofa at home?
Cleaning a sofa is not only about looking after the aesthetics of our interior. This gesture is of greater importance, because it eliminates all potentially dangerous contaminants. Dust and small particles left on the sofa upholstery can pose a threat, especially to allergy sufferers. Additionally, cleaning the sofa eliminates odors that penetrate the furniture, such as those that come from the kitchen.

Ingredients for cleaning the sofa
A bowl
600 ml of warm water
1 tablespoon of dishwashing liquid
1 tablespoon of baking
soda Half a glass of alcohol
2 tablespoons of window cleaner (optional)
A pan lid or pan
How to clean the sofa

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