10 Succulents You Can Keep in Water and They Won’t Rot



Approximately 18 different species belong to this family of succulents, and they have a shape similar to that of a rose. Their growth rate is medium and it will take years before needing to change the pot.

Echeveria imbricata

Its leaves are more “plump”, they need abundant exposure to the sun, good ventilation and well-drained soil. They can be propagated through seeds, cuttings or leaves.


This family contains more than 620 different species and one of the greatest characteristics of this type of plants is their extraordinary climate resistance. They can be propagated in water.


There are more than 60 species, the most widespread is similar to aloe vera but has beautiful white streaks.

Haworthia cooperi

They are plants that need very little care, can be kept in water and give beautiful flowers in spring.

Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi

Although it is an outdoor plant, it can be kept in water indoors due to its extraordinary resistance.

Kalanchoe laxiflora

It has very long and branched stems that can reach 30-50 cm in height. It can be propagated in water.

Sedum rubrotinctum

This plant can reach 20 centimeters in height, needs a very bright or sunny environment and can be propagated in water.

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