You don’t have to be too afraid of bees either . They only attack if they feel annoyed or scared and usually act to protect their lives. But the chance of you getting stung by a bee is really low so don’t worry at all. However, bees are not the only ones you might find in the garden after putting in the spoonful of sugar.

In fact, you could also attract much more shy animals. They are the butterflies that, even if they are more used to high temperatures than to low ones, do not give up taking a little sugar from the spoon . In fact, this could save a butterfly in difficulty and make it fly again because it will regain its strength after a short while.
All you have to do is try and help especially these animals who are weaker . After all, you have the sugar at home and you don’t have to buy it specifically for them. So try putting a spoonful of it in your house this summer and see what happens.