The Secret to Perfectly Thick Yogurt: It’s All in the Spoon!


How to Perfect Your Yogurt with a Spoon:
Prepare Your Base: Heat your milk to just below boiling, then let it cool to about 110°F (43°C), the sweet spot for yogurt cultures to do their work.

The Spoon Technique: Arm yourself with a clean, dry spoon and measure a tablespoon of milk powder. The general guideline is to use one tablespoon of milk powder per quart (liter) of milk, but feel free to adjust based on the quantity of milk you’re working with.

Ensure Even Mixing: Evenly sprinkle the milk powder over the warm milk’s surface. Use the back of the spoon to help dissolve it thoroughly, ensuring a smooth, lump-free mix.

Introduce the Cultures:7
Fermentation Time: Transfer the mixture into your fermentation container or jars and allow it to ferment in a warm spot. Whether you’re using a yogurt maker, an oven with the light on, or another method, this process usually takes between 8-12 hours.

Chill and Set: After fermentation, move the yogurt to the refrigerator to chill and firm up for several hours.