Cleaning Pee on a Mattress: 4 Effective Solutions


While you used to place your wet mattress in the sun to eliminate odors, you eventually realized that this tip didn’t always work. No matter how much you air out your interior, put on perfume or even wash your laundry, bad odors can persist. But don’t worry! Know that urine stains and annoying odors can disappear thanks to certain natural tips that you should know.


Great against urine odors, essential oils can be a valuable aid in the event of unexpected leaks on your mattress. In addition, their pleasant scents can spread throughout the house and provide a climate of serenity. However, if you have a cat, avoid leaving it in contact with these essences since their ingestion can cause inconvenience.

To eradicate urine odors, spray essential oils directly on the soiled area and leave to act for 2 hours. Next, scrub the area with a lightly dampened sponge.