Why Some People Store Toilet Paper in the Fridge



In the vast landscape of internet trends and hacks, one peculiar idea is the storing of toilet paper in the refrigerator. While it may sound strange, there's an intriguing rationale behind this practice. Let’s delve into why some individuals opt to keep their toilet paper chilled, and the reasons might just surprise you.
The Freshness Factor
The primary reason people store toilet paper in the fridge is for its odor-absorbing properties. This method, reportedly used in the hotel industry, aims to tackle unpleasant smells. Toilet paper in the fridge can absorb excess moisture, which is often a precursor to mold and mildew, and the odors they bring.
Yes, refrigerated toilet paper can absorb moisture, thereby preventing bad smells. Its high absorbency makes it suitable for this purpose. However, it's not as potent as baking soda, which not only absorbs moisture but also neutralizes the acids that cause odors. Some even suggest enhancing its effectiveness by sprinkling baking soda on the toilet paper before refrigeration.
Cost Implications
While this hack may be useful in certain scenarios, it’s not necessarily the most economical. A box of baking soda is inexpensive and lasts longer compared to toilet paper, which requires frequent replacement. Therefore, from a cost standpoint, baking soda is a more viable long-term solution.