Célya (6 years old): missing for two days, the little girl is…


Gendarmes mobilized

The authorities deployed considerable resources to find Célya, mobilizing a hundred police officers in Seine-Maritime and neighboring departments, as well as mobile and dog teams. Adopted in France in 2006, the abduction alert system allows the population to be mobilized quickly in the event of the abduction of a minor. It is triggered if several criteria are met: the abduction must be proven, the victim must be a minor, their life or physical integrity must be threatened, and there must be evidence to locate them.

The last activation of the system was in January for a one-month-old baby girl who was abducted from Meaux hospital and found safe and sound with her mother in a precarious situation. Anyone with information should immediately call 0 800 36 32 68 or send an email to It is important not to act yourself.