Charles III facing illness: the king discusses his chemotherapy for the first time


The relationship between Charles III and Prince William has never been stronger and the King of England proved it again this Thursday, July 11, during an event where the two men were together.
Prince Harry's choice in March 2020 to put an end to his obligations to the royal family has at least had one positive effect, the rapprochement between Charles III and his eldest son, Prince William. The two men have always been close, but since Meghan Markle's husband decided to fly to the United States with his family, their ties seem to have become even closer. It must be said that the period is quite delicate for the English royal family, which has been struck twice by illness. Kate Middleton, Prince William's wife, is suffering from cancer and for several months, she has only made rare public appearances. We saw her looking sublime for her return, dressed in white with her children during the Trooping the color event.
But she is not the only one to be affected by the disease since Charles III also faces cancer. After a long absence due to treatment, Queen Camilla's husband is back in business and he seems in better shape than ever. This Thursday, July 11, he was in a place that he particularly likes, Wales, in the company of Prince William. The two men attended the 25th anniversary of the Senedd, the Welsh parliament and the son of the late Elizabeth II took the opportunity to show how much he cares for his eldest son. “I have had the great pleasure of seeing my son's relationship with this special country (Wales) continue, and I even returned this week to Anglesey - Ynys Mon - a place that I know matters a lot for him,” explains Charles III.
Le Pays de Galles comme trait d'union entre les deux hommes
Le roi d'Angleterre, qui parle le gallois, a été prince de Galles pendant 64 ans, le plus long règne jamais enregistré. Un titre désormais porté par son fils et premier héritier du trône d'Angleterre. "C'est donc avec d'innombrables souvenirs et une fierté particulière que je me joins à toi pour réfléchir au dernier quart de siècle de l'histoire que nous avons partagée et [au futur] que tu as la grande responsabilité d'écrire dans le cadre de ton travail au sein de ce Senedd", a poursuivi celui qui se lance dans un business insoupçonné et qui va lui rapporter gros.
Une belle preuve d'amour d'un père pour son fils de la part de Charles III.