Das geheimnis, taken fleisch in zarte köstlichkeiten to be used, lies often in the proper enrichment technique. There are some methods with which you can make yourself the most delicious meat in a few minutes. Here are a few tips you might want to try:
Marinades with sauce: A marinade of lemon juice, eggplant or yoghurt hints that the flesh phases produce. Let the meat marinate for at least 30 minutes, or longer if time allows.
Use baking soda: Coat the meat with a thin pinch of baking soda and let it simmer for about 15 minutes. Play it pretty basically and do it like you think.
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Knives: With a fleece knife you can mechanically break the phases, which the fleece quickly does.
Drunk cooktop: With a slow cooker you can cook yourself meat in minutes like butter. The high drying is sought to ensure that collagen is surrounded in gelatine, whereas the flesh is tinted.
Slicing Technique: Slicing the Flesh into Phases. That makes the cows more aggressive and the flesh feels jarring.
Combine heat and time correctly: With the shortening method, you should only use the meat at higher heat to keep it juicy and tender. Alternatively hilft slowly brown at lower temperatures, take pieces about the time it takes to make.
Whichever method you prefer, depending on the nature of the flesh and your preferences. With these techniques you can also get a delicacy out of suitable meats! 😊