Very white shoes, nothing but bleach: this is how all the stains are removed | Now everyone does it!


White shoes  are the ones <strong>that</strong>  get dirty the most easily. It is easy for them to have a mark or stain shortly after putting them on, either from rubbing against the other shoe or against a dirty road surface.

If your favorite sneakers get stained and you don’t know how to make them look like new, don’t worry, we explain  <strong>how to wash white sneakers</strong>  with 2 different methods.<img src="" />
<h3 id="anchor_0" class="wp-block-heading">Very white shoes, nothing but bleach: this is how all the stains are removed</h3>
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<figure class="aligncenter"><img class="wp-image-5718" src="" alt="White shoes" /></figure>
Mainly, there are two ways to wash and whiten white sneakers that will depend on the type of fabric of your shoes: whether they are leather or fabric. For white leather sneakers, it is advisable to clean them by hand, so as not to damage the material and show them off as if they were new. While, for  <strong>white fabric sneakers</strong>  , you can   <strong>wash them by hand or in the washing machine</strong>  .
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Below, we explain 2 different home methods  <strong>to clean white sneakers</strong>  without using aggressive products. Take note of these effective cleaning methods, ideal for returning the original white color to your shoes.<img src="" />

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<h4 id="anchor_1" class="wp-block-heading">Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide</h4>
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<figure class="aligncenter"><img class="wp-image-5720" src="" alt="White shoes" /></figure>
How to   <strong>whiten</strong>   sneakers easily? For this,  <strong>baking soda is an excellent ally. </strong>  By combining this product with  <strong>hydrogen peroxide,</strong>  you will see that cleaning white leather or fabric sneakers is much easier than it seems. These two ingredients will allow you  <strong>to remove</strong>  impossible stains.
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<li>Soap bar</li>
<li>10 g baking soda</li>
<li>10 ml hydrogen peroxide</li>
<li>10ml of water</li>
<li>1 thick bristle brush</li>
<li>1 old toothbrush</li>
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<li>Remove the laces from your shoes and  <strong>wash them with soap and water</strong>  to remove most of the dirt and  <strong>let them dry completely.</strong></li>
<li>In a plastic container,  <strong>mix the baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, and water.</strong></li>
<li><strong>Spread the dough,</strong>  which should have been a little thick, on the fabric of your sneakers,  <strong>insisting on the most stained parts and covering them completely. </strong> Apply the paste to your shoelaces as well  <strong>. Use the toothbrush to thoroughly apply the mixture</strong>  to the fabric or skin and  <strong>rub gently,</strong>  emphasizing the stained areas.  <strong>Leave them with the paste for 2 hours</strong>  so that it has the maximum possible effect.</li>
<li>Dry your shoes and laces in a sunny location.</li>
<li>When the paste applied to your shoes is completely dry,  <strong>brush the remaining baking soda off your shoes and laces with the thick bristle brush,</strong>  which should be completely clean and dry.</li>
<li>If there are any leftovers,  <strong>you can wash the shoes with water</strong>  to remove them and let them dry in the sun again.</li>
<h4 id="anchor_2" class="wp-block-heading">salt and milk</h4>
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<figure class="aligncenter"><img class="wp-image-5719" src="" alt="" /></figure>
Salt and milk  <strong>are very powerful natural cleansers</strong>  . So, if you have questions about   <strong>how to wash fabric or leather sneakers</strong>  , keep in mind that this formula is really effective. To   <strong>wash white sneakers with salt and milk</strong>   you must follow these simple instructions:

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<li>1 plastic bucket</li>
<li>10 g mild detergent</li>
<li>½ liter of water</li>
<li>150g salt</li>
<li>1 liter of whole cow’s milk</li>
<li>1 thick bristle brush</li>
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<li>Pour ½ liter of water into the plastic bucket  <strong>, add the milk and salt</strong>  and mix well.</li>
<li>Immerse the white shoes in the bucket, with the laces on, and  <strong>let them soak for 2 hours.</strong></li>
<li><strong>Wash shoes</strong>  with plenty of water and mild soap.</li>
<li><strong>Scrub them with the thick bristle brush</strong>  while they are still soaked and you will see how they whiten right away.</li>
<li>Finally,  <strong>rinse them well with plenty of water</strong>  and let them  <strong>dry</strong>  in a dry, well-ventilated place and preferably  <strong>where there is sun. </strong> You will see how, after this treatment,  <strong>your shoes will be like new.</strong></li>