In the countryside and in the cities the first insects appeared, such as flies. A few lemon peels help keep them away. But will it be true?
In the house, when temperatures rise, the first insects appear. Flies begin to appear, closely followed by mosquitoes. An ancient Amalfi tradition recommends using lemon peels to place on windows.
It is a type of lemon with a large appearance and thick skin. The flavor is not spicy and in fact it can be eaten sliced with a little salt or sugar, including the skin. Once engraved, it gives off a very pleasant aroma and is used both to flavor coffee and to make limoncello. These lemon peels were placed on the windowsill to add flavor to the rooms and keep insects away. However, the intense aroma of these lemon peels is not found in ordinary lemons.
Lemon peels against flies and mosquitoes on the window
For this reason, it is believed that the citrus aroma of lemon is not welcomed by some insects, such as mosquitoes or flies, and, therefore, it can act as a natural repellent. At the moment, there is no scientific guarantee that lemon peels safely repel insects .
Putting lemon peels on the window might make sense to flavor the air in the room. In fact, they release a fresh, citrus aroma and could help purify the air. However, lemon peels are not capable of filtering or eliminating pollutants present in the air of large cities . Additionally, lemon peels can rot and attract insects, rather than repel them. That is why it is important to change them frequently.
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