The Hotel Trick to Always Have Super Soft Towels


The Hotel Trick to Always Have Super Soft Towels

One of the greatest pleasures when we stay in a hotel is enjoying the softness of their towels. However, getting the same result at home can be difficult if you don’t take specific precautions.

The limescale in the water settles in the fibers of the fabric and makes them increasingly rough as we wash the towels. The fabric becomes stiff and the fabric softener no longer seems to work.

If you are trying to have super soft towels, it is important to follow a small process that will be decisive for the entire useful life of the garments: for example, they should always be rinsed only with cold water.

Step 1: eliminate the fabric softener. Years and years of marketing have led us to think that fabric softener is the solution to all problems. On the contrary, the chemicals present in industrial fabric softeners end up depositing on the fibers of the fabrics, giving us the opposite results in the long term.

Step 2: wash the towels separately. To prevent the fabrics of the towels from absorbing bacteria from dirt from other garments, you should wash them separately at medium-high temperatures (between 40 and 60 degrees).