7 easy tricks to warm up your bedroom in no time!

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uffer your room in no time! The assumption that a room will warm up faster if the heating is turned up is incorrect. The temperature setting on the thermostat indicates the temperature to which the room should be heated. However, there are alternative methods to warm up a room quickly. During the cold months, many ...

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No Dough Quiche with Salmon Broccoli

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Ingredients: 250 g broccoli 400 g cottage cheese 100 g smoked salmon 3 eggs 3 tablespoons flour 4 portions kiri thyme salt, pepper ANNOUNCEMENT Preparation:

How to clean the oven quickly and effortlessly with the salt trick?

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You use it regularly to cook your roast chicken, your pizzas and your good lasagna. Suffice it to say that the oven is a cooking appliance that is difficult to do without. However, it can accumulate dirt and grease stains that are difficult to remove. During cooking, the grates and glass may become dirty and ...

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How to wash a pillow: Leave your sleeping companion spotless

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Did you know that pillows also get dirty and need cleaning? Find out  how to wash a pillow  to eliminate dust, mites and moisture resulting from sweat. Over time, if left unwashed, cushions can take on a yellowish hue. So knowing  how to properly wash a pillow is essential to always keep the place where your head rests clean, ...

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