Goodbye to the smell and lime. How to descale your washing machine

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Lime in the washing machine? Try these natural solutions The  washing machine  is the appliance that we could never do without. In addition to saving time and effort, it allows us to always have clean and scented clothes. With time and wear, however, it happens that it is attacked by limestone. Lime is the number one enemy ...

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Burn bay leaves at home, surprising what happens 10 minutes later

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Bay leaves are one of the most commonly used spices in cooking as they add a completely different flavor to dishes. But burning has other benefits. Let’s find out what it is. In fact, they are one of the culinary secrets of Mediterranean cuisine  . Laurel plant: properties and curiosities It is a plant that  grows in ...

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How to grow orchids in water

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A very good way to have beautiful orchids. The  orchid  is one of the most beloved plants of all time. It is, at the same time, a delicate plant that requires some care. It can also be grown in water  using the hydroculture technique. Continued on next page

How to refresh the room with a bottle of water?

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In this hot season, many people suffer a lot from the very high temperatures. Of course, it is not very advisable to use the air conditioning 24 hours a day. Not only do you run the risk of having a particularly high electricity bill at the end of the month, but it can also be ...

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Why You Shouldn’t Kill Purslane in Your Garden: 8 Compelling Reasons

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Purslane (Verdolaga) has gone from being a nuisance in gardens to becoming a valuable treasure! This extraordinary plant is regaining its foothold in farmers markets and esteemed restaurants, providing not only health benefits but culinary satisfaction as well. Known by different names such as hogweed and pigweed, purslane is a weed that you should welcome. ...

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What plant purifies the air and improves sleep quality?

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Relaxing bath, chamomile infusion, calming aroma of essential oil, meditation… there are many ways to help you fall asleep and avoid insomnia in times of stress. But did you know that plants also have a significant positive impact on our mood or our overall health? It is well known that having indoor plants is very ...

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