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Ingredients: sauce-caramel 310 ml sugar 60 ml (1/4 c) Scotch (whiskey or bourbon) 60 ml (1/4 c) water 30 ml (2 tbsp.) light corn syrup, preferably 250 ml (1 c) cream, hot 60 ml (1/4 cup) salted butter 375 ml (1 1/2 c) pecan halves For The Cake 500 ml (2 c) all-purpose flour 180 ...

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That’s why bathrooms in luxury hotels smell crazy: The trick

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Have you ever wondered why luxury hotel bathrooms smell so good? Here is the secret revealed. We have all tried in every way to have a good  aroma  in our bathroom and even if we commit to cleaning it thoroughly and using different products, we are unable to achieve the aroma that we smell when we stay ...

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An Easy Way to Clean Yellowed Pillows in the Washing Machine

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Old, yellowed pillows are pretty undesirable any way you slice them, but there is a way to restore pillows to their natural luster that requires just a few household products and a washing machine. When I found this excellent pillow cleaning video tutorial from Andrea Jean Cleaning on YouTube, I was more than ready to ...

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How to keep lemons fresh for a month?

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Most of our readers consume lemons weekly, and surely there are those who buy them and then forget about them, and after a week they dry up completely and we can no longer use them. There are many people who store lemons outside at room temperature, display them in fruit bowls, because they are beautiful ...

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