A surefire way to rid your home of rats—using Vick Vaporub!

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Rats are a major pain in any house, but thankfully, you don't necessarily need poison or elaborate traps to get rid of them. Quite often, the most out-of-the-ordinary components yield the best results. Keeping rats at bay is easy using Vick Vaporub, an ointment that most people already have in their homes. Here's how it ...

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Do you have such NODES on your NECK, BACK, or near your EAR

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Many people suffer from epidermoid cysts, and most of them mistake these cysts for sebaceous cysts, which is a big mistake. The Mayo Clinic asserts that true sebaceous cysts are actually very rare and originate from the sebaceous glands that lubricate hair and skin. An epidermoid cyst is a benign cyst typically found on the ...

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  Do you have any potatoes and cheese left from last night’s raclette? Don’t throw them away! Make it a starter with a small salad for example, or for an aperitif. A baked potato is the edible result of dry cooking a potato. When cooked properly, a baked potato has soft flesh and crispy skin. ...

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How to recover old towels and make them look like new

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As time passes and is washed, towels lose the softness they had just purchased. This is due to soap and fabric softener, which in the long run become counterproductive, adhering to the fabric and making it rougher. Before throwing away your old towels, try recovering them with this trick. The steps are very simple, and ...

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Mix them, 10 minutes later: the secret of grandparents

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In this article we will show you our grandparents’ secret to effectively clean different rooms in our house. Do you want to know what ingredients you will need to mix? Here you have all the details about it. Cleaning the house is a fundamental aspect to live in always comfortable and perfectly sanitized environments. Cleaning ...

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