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During the day, among all the household chores we cannot fail to take care of the laundry , whether to be washed by hand or in the washing machine . Natural remedies are a valid alternative to washing clothes in the washing machine . Each one has peculiar characteristics, they are ecological and economical. Today ...

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How to use an apple in the oven to eliminate bad odors?

434646589 122140687934149339 8790511714156911230 N

One of the appliances we use most at home is the oven. It often happens, however, that we cook foods and ingredients that are a little too “smelling” and tend to leave a bad smell in the oven. Sure, maybe we clean the oven immediately after , but that smell doesn’t want to come away. Which is not good: not only ...

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Bavarian Strawberry Cream Recipe

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Here's a recipe for Bavarian strawberry cream: Ingredients: – 500 g strawberries – 250 ml fresh whipped cream – 150 ml milk – 60 g sugar – 2 egg yolks – 3 gelatin leaves Preparation: Place the egg yolks and sugar in a bowl and whisk for a few minutes with an electric mixer, add ...

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434858432 122140713176149339 6306716148986932018 N

INGREDIENTS 250 g flour 200 g sugar 150 g walnut kernels 3 eggs 180 g salted butter at room temperature 1/2 sachet baking powder 2 tablespoons coffee extract INSTRUCTIONS Preheat the oven to 160°C. Line a cake tin with parchment paper and buttered on both sides. Set aside in a cool place. Lightly roast the ...

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Avocado Magic: A 10-Minute Delight That Will Amaze Your Taste Buds

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Avocado connoisseurs, get ready! Here's an appetiser that will take avocados to a whole new level of deliciousness and wow your taste senses. This avocado recipe isn't like any other; it's a work of art that showcases the power of combining a few high-quality ingredients in a way that brings out their full flavors. In ...

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