How to remove mold from your home and prevent it from coming back

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Mold is a phenomenon that affects many homes and can even grow in your home without you knowing. This is because mold appears in damp, warm, dark places that are often out of sight. Once installed, mold is difficult to eradicate and, if all conditions are met, it can develop very quickly, sometimes in 24/48 ...

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A Simple Remedy So ​​Effective: Mix Banana and Honey

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If your child suffers from a sore throat and cough, you should definitely try making this wonderful remedy! It is particularly effective in children, but it is also beneficial for adults. In addition to being very effective against coughs and bronchitis, the recipe that we are going to share with you today is so appetizing that ...

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The genius trick to permanently remove mold from walls

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Mold is a problem that many homes suffer from. Beyond their unsightly appearance, molds cause respiratory allergies, especially when their spores are inhaled. However, there are simple and effective solutions to defeat these microscopic fungi, without using toxic products, such as bleach. Discover these 4 homemade solutions to permanently eliminate mold from walls. Molds affect ...

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Get rid of rats without chemicals thanks to a natural trick

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These pests can be scary and cause major damage to your crops. To keep them away, you don’t necessarily need to call a pest control service. You can also do without chemicals and use natural products. It’s a safe bet that you’ll save your plants with these garden scents! Rats can wreak havoc on your ...

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