How to clean a comforter that doesn’t fit in the washing machine

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How to clean a comforter that doesn’t fit in the washing machine Spending around a third of your life under a duvet explains why it is so important to wash it regularly. The main difficulty with washing a comforter is that it probably won’t fit in the washing machine. If you don’t have access to ...

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How to remove black from floor joints

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When it is superficial,   floor cleaning   may seem like a boring job, but it is certainly light. If we talk about a deeper cleaning, which also includes   whitening of the joints   , the situation changes completely. Dirt, grease and bacteria are deposited in the joints of the floor  , which accumulate over time and cause ...

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Ice Cream Scoops: Fresh and fun to make!

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INGREDIENTS 600 ml (2 1/2 cups) milk 50 g (1/4 cup) sugar 40 g (1/3 cup) cornstarch 60 g (1/2 cup) milk powder 200 g melted chocolate 60 ml (1/4 cup) of coffee METHOD 1 In a bowl, combine milk, sugar, cornstarch, milk powder and coffee. 2. Cook over low heat until thickened. Let cool ...

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Simply boil these two ingredients in water and drink them before bed tonight: a recipe you’ll be grateful for!

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Introduction: In the quest for optimal health, natural remedies are increasingly popular for their multiple benefits. Among them, a simple recipe using cloves and bay leaves has recently attracted attention. Let’s discover together the secrets of this revitalizing beverage which offers remarkable protection against various diseases and strengthens the immune system. The Ingredients: To concoct this wellness ...

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5 Ways to Make Organic Fertilizer for Your Plants

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Although plant roots do not distinguish between one type of fertilizer and another, those of synthetic origin end up creating imbalances. Not only does it reduce the presence of “good” microbes, but it also kills earthworms. Here are 5 ways to make organic fertilizer for your plants Organic fertilizer made from banana peel Banana peel is ...

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